[3dem] Biophysical Society abstracts

Egelman, Edward H (ehe2n) ehe2n at virginia.edu
Fri Sep 28 07:03:52 PDT 2018

Dear Community,
  The Biophysical Society Annual Meeting will be held in Baltimore from March 2-6, 2019. There will be an exciting Cryo-EM subgroup session on Saturday, March 2. But if enough abstracts are received (submitted to Category 10B, Electron Microscopy) there will also be a Cryo-EM Platform Session during the meeting where there will be 8 15-minute short presentations. Whether this platform session exists or not is dependent upon the number of abstracts received. If your abstract is not selected, it will be presented as a poster. So please submit an abstract soon as the deadline is 11:59 pm EDT on Monday, October 3.

https://www.biophysics.org/2019meeting#/ <https://www.biophysics.org/2019meeting#/>

Ed Egelman

Edward H. Egelman, Ph.D.
Harrison Distinguished Professor
Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Genetics
University of Virginia
phone: 434-924-8210
fax: 434-924-5069
egelman at virginia.edu
http://www.people.virginia.edu/~ehe2n <http://www.people.virginia.edu/%7Eehe2n>

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