[3dem] cryoEM postdoc positions at UCSF

David A. Agard agard at msg.ucsf.edu
Wed Nov 7 17:47:12 PST 2018

Dear all,

Two cryoEM postdoctoral positions are now open in our research group at UCSF as part of a multi-lab collaborative effort on the structure and function of newly discovered molecular complexes involved in psychiatric diseases and host:pathogen interactions.

 UCSF provides an extraordinary environment for structural biology, cryoEM and translational medicine.  The UCSF cryoEM consortium co-led by David Agard, Yifan Cheng, Adam Frost, Dan Soutworth, and Klim Verba is committed to advancing the utility of cryoEM and tackling some of the most exciting problems in mechanistic structural  biology.

 UCSF is an equal opportunity employer and women and minorities are encouraged to apply.

Interested parties should send a CV and 3 letters of reference to David Agard at agard at msg.ucsf <mailto:agard at msg.ucsf>.edu



David A. Agard, Ph.D.
Howard Hughes Medical Institute and the
Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics
University of California at San Francisco
UCSF  MC 2240
600 16th Street,   room S412D
San Francisco, CA     94143-2517
(415) 476-2521  Phone    E-mail:    agard at msg.ucsf.edu
(415) 476-1902  FAX    Web:    http://www.msg.ucsf.edu/agard

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