[3dem] looking for a broken cryo holder

Alpesh Khushalchand Shukla akshukla at lbl.gov
Thu Mar 22 11:31:29 PDT 2018

Hello everyone,

I am interested in doing some in situ experiments on battery materials that would require modifications to a cooling holder  or  cryo-transfer holder (such as Gatan 915, 910, Oxford/Gatan CT3500). 

Since I plan to modify the tip and perhaps even the rod, I am looking for a broken side entry holder that can be used on an FEI microscope. ( So it is OK if the rod or tip is damaged)

I am looking for models such as Gatan 636, 613, 915, 910, Oxford/Gatan CT3500.

I would like to have a  double tilt version, but single tilt would be OK too.

If you have something that you can sell or donate, could you please email me?


Alpesh Khushalchand Shukla
National Center of Electron Microscopy, Molecular Foundry,
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
1 Cyclotron Road, Berkeley CA 94720

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