[3dem] [ccpem] Converting MRC to tiff

Marin van Heel marin.vanheel at googlemail.com
Sun Jun 3 03:18:02 PDT 2018

Dear Yehuda Halfon

The em2em converter (Image-Science.de) should do the trick but storing 
(4-bit/8-bit?) MRC movies in tiff is not a good idea: very few programs 
can handle tiff stacks. Moreover if the TIFFs are not compressed you 
will not necessarily win any space. You are probably best off using a 
standard loss-less compression program ("zip"), and convert them back 
when you need it again. You must always keep your original raw data 
"forever" in a loss-less form.

Marin van Heel

On 03/06/2018 06:02, Yehuda Halfon wrote:
> Hi there,
> We have a bunch of MRC movie files the are eating at out storage, and 
> since more are coming I was wondering if there is a good way to 
> convert them into tiff to save space?
> I know that the best way is to save them directly as tif from EPU/ 
> serialEM and that is what we will to in the future. But we need to 
> find a solution to the ones we have now.
> Thanks,
> Yehuda Halfon
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     Prof Dr Ir Marin van Heel

     Laboratório Nacional de Nanotecnologia - LNNano
     CNPEM/LNNano, Campinas, Brazil

     tel:    +55-19-3518-2316
     mobile  +55-19-983455450 (current)
     mobile  +55-19-981809332
                  (041-19-981809332 TIM)
     Skype:  Marin.van.Heel
     email:  marin.vanheel(A_T)gmail.com
     and:    mvh.office(A_T)gmail.com

     Emeritus Professor of Cryo-EM Data Processing
     Leiden University
     Mobile NL: +31(0)652736618 (ALWAYS ACTIVE SMS)
     Emeritus Professor of Structural Biology
     Imperial College London
     Faculty of Natural Sciences
     email: m.vanheel(A_T)imperial.ac.uk

I receive many emails per day and, although I try,
there is no guarantee that I will actually read each incoming email.

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