[3dem] EM Facilities manager position available at LBNL and UCB

Karen Davies kmdavies at lbl.gov
Tue Jul 24 15:20:42 PDT 2018

Dear All,

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory has an position available immediately
for an EM expert to assist in the running of their biological cryo-EM
facility. The successful candidate will be in charge of maintaining and
operating a Jeol3100, and an Talos Arctica as well as training new users
and participating in collaborative research projects involving both single
particle cryo-EM and electron cryo-tomography.

Applications should be submitted online via https://lbl.taleo.net/careerse
ction/2/jobdetail.ftl?lang=en&job=85362. Any questions should be directed
to KMDavies at lbl.gov
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