[3dem] [ccpem] Raw tif file micrographs and image format convertion

Marin van Heel marin.vanheel at googlemail.com
Sun Jul 22 05:31:31 PDT 2018

Dear Yangqi Gu

Th EM2EM program will convert TIFF to any reasonable EM format. However 
you do need to know what is in your TIFF variant. ( *bit 16 bit ...?)

The IMAGIC em2em program is available for free download from 




On 21/07/2018 15:46, Yangqi Gu wrote:
> Dear all,
> I am trying to process my EM micrographs. They are .tif images (Not a stacked movie, just a single image). And I tried using EMAN2 to convert them to .mrc using the command e2proc2d.py, however, it raised the following errors:
> raceback (most recent call last):
>    File "/usr/local/bin/e2evalimage.py", line 1072, in <module>
>      main()
>    File "/usr/local/bin/e2evalimage.py", line 98, in main
>      gui=GUIEvalImage(args,options.voltage,options.apix,options.cs,options.ac,options.box,options.usefoldername,options.constbfactor,options.astigmatism)
>    File "/usr/local/bin/e2evalimage.py", line 166, in __init__
>      n=EMUtil.get_image_count(i)
>    File "/usr/local/lib/EMAN2db.py", line 539, in db_get_image_count
>      raise Exception,fsp
> Exception: micrographs/WT_DV-001.tif
> I am wondering if anyone had any experience how to deal with this? Or can I just directly use .tif images?
> Best,
> Yangqi
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     Prof Dr Ir Marin van Heel

     Laboratório Nacional de Nanotecnologia - LNNano
     CNPEM/LNNano, Campinas, Brazil

     tel:    +55-19-3518-2316
     mobile  +55-19-983455450 (current)
     mobile  +55-19-981809332
                  (041-19-981809332 TIM)
     Skype:  Marin.van.Heel
     email:  marin.vanheel(A_T)gmail.com
     and:    mvh.office(A_T)gmail.com

     Emeritus Professor of Cryo-EM Data Processing
     Leiden University
     Mobile NL: +31(0)652736618 (ALWAYS ACTIVE SMS)
     Emeritus Professor of Structural Biology
     Imperial College London
     Faculty of Natural Sciences
     email: m.vanheel(A_T)imperial.ac.uk

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