[3dem] Correction !!!!! 8th International Conference on Electron Tomography

Andreas Hoenger andreas.hoenger at colorado.edu
Tue Apr 10 08:00:15 PDT 2018

Dear Colleagues,

I am very sorry, but the previous email had an error in the application address … it should read

etm2018 at colorado.edu<mailto:etm2018 at colorado.edu>     (not etm-2018 at colorado.edu<mailto:etm-2018 at colorado.edu> !!)

Below is the full text again with the corrected address.  Please let me apologhize for this oversight.

With best Regards,


Dear Colleagues,

Please let me remind you again that we will hold the 8th International Conference on Electron Tomography at the
beautiful Les Diablerets site in Switzerland from September 16 - 19th 2018.  The conference will deal with the newest
developments in (cryo-) electron tomography for cellular and molecular specimens.  This is an exciting, and rapidly
evolving field.  for more information, please visit our website at:


The meeting is limited to approximately 120 participants.  Therefore, Should you be interested in participating, please
register early, but no later than May 1st, 2018 by sending an email, and a short abstract to this address:

etm2018 at colorado.edu<mailto:etm2018 at colorado.edu>

With best Regards,

Andy Hoenger

Prof. Andreas Hoenger,
Univ. of Colorado at Boulder, USA
hoenger at colorado.edu<mailto:hoenger at colorado.edu>
Tel:  303-735 0844
Fax:  303-735 0770

Prof. Andreas Hoenger,
Univ. of Colorado at Boulder, USA
hoenger at colorado.edu<mailto:hoenger at colorado.edu>
Tel:  303-735 0844
Fax:  303-735 0770

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