[3dem] negative staining artifact

Linda Sandblad linda.sandblad at umu.se
Sun Sep 24 14:25:01 PDT 2017

Hi all experts!!
I know, this do not look nice, but I would like to hear your opinion about this artifact. Tiny dark spots covering both sample and background, do you know what it is, were it comes from and how to avoid it? We have this bad background time to time from different labs…. It is a “normal” negative staining protocol: copper grids, formvar, carbon, glow discharge, UA.
I’m happy for your suggestions, Best Linda
[cid:0CCDA9FC-AEBF-4621-B208-6A9BFB2DF2B3 at lan]

Linda Sandblad
Department of Molecular Biology
Umeå University
+46 709324936

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