[3dem] Postdoctoral Fellow – In situ cryo-EM

Carsten Sachse carsten.sachse at embl.de
Sun Oct 29 12:10:27 PDT 2017

Dear list members,

In my lab, a postdoctoral position of cellular cryo-EM in the area of structural cell biology is available. We are looking for a candidate ideally with experience in cellular EM/ET and/or FIB-SEM for the following project:
http://s.embl.org/HD01191 <http://s.embl.org/HD01191>

Deadline for the position is November 3rd. Thank you for your consideration.

Best wishes,

Dr. Carsten Sachse 
Group Leader
European Molecular Biology Laboratory 
Meyerhofstr. 1
69117 Heidelberg
email: carsten.sachse at embl.de <mailto:carsten.sachse at embl.de>
http://www.embl.de/research/units/scb/sachse/ <http://www.embl.de/research/units/scb/sachse/>
http://www.sachse.embl.de <http://www.sachse.embl.de/>
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