[3dem] Congratulations!

Montserrat Samso montserrat.samso at vcuhealth.org
Wed Oct 4 12:13:42 PDT 2017

Let me add my heartfelt congratulations to Jacques, Joachim and Richard!

This is a huge celebration for cryoEM and for all the discoveries that have resulted from it.

Montserrat Samso, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor

Dept. Physiology and Biophysics

Virginia Commonwealth University

1101 E. Marshall St., RM 3-009

Richmond, VA 23298

Tel: (804) 828-8728

Fax: (804) 828-8492

E-mail: Montserrat.Samso at vcuhealth.org

From: 3dem <3dem-bounces at ncmir.ucsd.edu> on behalf of Serysheva, Irina I <Irina.I.Serysheva at uth.tmc.edu>
Sent: Wednesday, October 4, 2017 1:47 PM
To: 3dem at ncmir.ucsd.edu
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: [3dem] Congratulations!

Congratulations to Jacque, Joachim and Richard! This is a great achievement!
Irina I. Serysheva, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Director of Structural Biology Imaging Center
McGovern Medical School
The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston
6431 Fannin, MSB 6.210, Houston, TX 77030

On Oct 4, 2017, at 11:28 AM, Ludtke, Steven J <sludtke at bcm.edu<mailto:sludtke at bcm.edu>> wrote:

This is rapidly becoming every name in the field, but let me add my own congratulations to all three of you. We would not be where we are without you!

On Oct 4, 2017, at 7:36 AM, Jaap Brink <jbrink at jeol.com<mailto:jbrink at jeol.com>> wrote:

***CAUTION:*** This email is not from a BCM Source. Only click links or open attachments you know are safe.
Fantastic news. Congrats to Jacques, Joachim and Richard. Indeed, well deserved!!

Jaap Brink, Ph.D.
TEM Product Manager Life Sciences
JEOL USA, Inc., Peabody MA 01960
(978) 317-9561

On Oct 4, 2017, at 7:28 AM, Carmen San Martin <carmen at cnb.csic.es<mailto:carmen at cnb.csic.es>> wrote:

So happy to hear these news! Warmest congratulations from Spain,

Carmen San Martin

On Wednesday, October 4, 2017, Jiang,Qiu-Xing <qxjiang at ufl.edu<mailto:qxjiang at ufl.edu>> wrote:
Very exciting for the rapidly-growing field.
Congrats a million.


Qiu-Xing Jiang, Ph.D.
Department Microbiology & Cell Science at UF IFAS
Electron Microscopy Faculty Director at UF ICBR
PO Box 110700 | 1355 Museum Drive, Rms 1298 or 1003, Gainesville, FL 32611-0700 USA
Biotech.ufl.edu<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.biotech.ufl.edu_&d=DwMFaQ&c=ZQs-KZ8oxEw0p81sqgiaRA&r=Dk5VoQQ-wINYVssLMZihyC5Dj_sWYKxCyKz9E4Lp3gc&m=04FCl79vzUxm1XgavMBL3ggd5hVdbANPL5BMV9K0jYI&s=hQ-anm5DvVcqj1--DdGrTQBDqCdvyPl0WNfUyLI3puA&e=> | Tel: 352.846.0953| Fax: 352.392.5933 |E-mail: qxjiang at ufl.edu

From: 3dem <3dem-bounces at ncmir.ucsd.edu> on behalf of "Chiappi, Michele" <m.chiappi at imperial.ac.uk>
Date: Wednesday, October 4, 2017 at 8:13 AM
To: "3dem at ncmir.ucsd.edu" <3dem at ncmir.ucsd.edu>
Subject: Re: [3dem] Congratulations!

WOW Really amazing news !!




Dr. Michele Chiappi, PhD
National Heart & Lung Institute
Imperial College London
Dovehouse Street
London, UK

On 4 Oct 2017, at 13:09, Evangel Nogales De La Morena <enogales at lbl.gov> wrote:

Jacques, Joachim and Richard,

These are such wonderful news. Thanks for making it possible over the years and for leading us to the present state of cryo-EM that we all enjoy now.  Big cheers!!


On Oct 4, 2017, at 4:50 AM, Ilaria Ferlenghi <ilaria.x.ferlenghi at gsk.com> wrote:

Warm congratulation to our pioneers and to the whole cryo em community!!!
We are so proud of you!

Ilaria Ferlenghi, PhD
Structural Microscopy
GSK Vaccines, S.r.l.
Via Fiorentina 1, 53100 Siena, Italy
E-mail    ilaria.x.ferlenghi at gsk.com
Mobile   +39 3493358293
Tel         +39 0577 243412

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-----Original Message-----
From: 3dem [mailto:3dem-bounces at ncmir.ucsd.edu] On Behalf Of Marcia Attias
Sent: mercoledì 4 ottobre 2017 13:45
To: 3dem at ncmir.ucsd.edu
Subject: Re: [3dem] Congratulations!


Here in Brazil we were also very happy with the news!
Congratulations! Both personal and from the Brazilian Society for Microscopy and Microanalysis.
Marcia Attias

Citando Ariel Blocker <Ariel.Blocker at bristol.ac.uk>:

Indeed, truly wonderful, wonderful news!!
Many congratulations and thanks to you three, our much-respected
forefathers and continuing leaders in this field!
Let’s hope this award leads to even more rapid equipment and method
development for cryoEM in the coming years.

Ariel J. Blocker, PhD, FRSB
Reader in Microbiology
Wellcome Trust Investigator
Schools of Cellular & Molecular Medicine and Biochemistry Faculty of
Biomedical Sciences University of Bristol University Walk Bristol  BS8
1TD United Kingdom

Email: ariel.blocker at bristol.ac.uk<mailto:ariel.blocker at bristol.ac.uk>
Tel office (D39a): +44 117 33 12063
Tel lab (D57/D59): +44 117 33 12404
Tel lab office (D51): +44 117 33 12097 Tel cryoEM facility: +44 117 33
12360 (office) or 3312200 (prep lab) Dept. fax: +44 117 3312091
Room: D39a
Personal webpage:
Group page:
Twitter: @T3Secreton

Spelling, grammar and therefore occasionally meaning approximated by
the auto-corrector, particularly in French.

From: 3dem <3dem-bounces at ncmir.ucsd.edu> on behalf of "Egelman, Edward
(ehe2n)" <ehe2n at eservices.virginia.edu>
Date: Wednesday, 4 October 2017 at 11:14
To: Joachim Frank <jf2192 at columbia.edu>, Jacques Dubochet
<jacques.dubochet at unil.ch>, Richard Henderson <rh15 at mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk>
Cc: "3dem at ncmir.ucsd.edu" <3dem at ncmir.ucsd.edu>
Subject: [3dem] Congratulations!

An award that has been long overdue! Many congratulations!

Edward H. Egelman, Ph.D.
Harrison Distinguished Professor
Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Genetics University of Virginia
phone: 434-924-8210
fax: 434-924-5069
egelman at virginia.edu<mailto:egelman at virginia.edu>

Marcia Attias
Associate Professor
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  Carmen San Martín, Ph. D.
  Centro Nacional de Biotecnología (CNB-CSIC)
  Darwin, 3
  28049-Madrid (SPAIN)
  Email:  carmen at cnb.csic.es<mailto:carmen at cnb.csic.es>
  Phone:  34-91-5855450
  Fax:     34-91-5854506<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.cnb.csic.es_&d=DwMFaQ&c=ZQs-KZ8oxEw0p81sqgiaRA&r=Dk5VoQQ-wINYVssLMZihyC5Dj_sWYKxCyKz9E4Lp3gc&m=04FCl79vzUxm1XgavMBL3ggd5hVdbANPL5BMV9K0jYI&s=-RxMkxFgEl_N5F3lMOIVfZySSf3fJ_69MEMB7IO_xLE&e=>

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3dem at ncmir.ucsd.edu<mailto:3dem at ncmir.ucsd.edu>

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Steven Ludtke, Ph.D.
Professor, Dept of Biochemistry and Mol. Biol.         (www.bcm.edu/biochem<http://www.bcm.edu/biochem>)
Co-Director National Center For Macromolecular Imaging        (ncmi.bcm.edu<http://ncmi.bcm.edu/>)
Co-Director CIBR Center                          (www.bcm.edu/research/cibr<http://www.bcm.edu/research/cibr>)
Baylor College of Medicine
sludtke at bcm.edu<mailto:sludtke at bcm.edu>

3dem mailing list
3dem at ncmir.ucsd.edu<mailto:3dem at ncmir.ucsd.edu>

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