[3dem] cryo-EM facility manager position at the University of Groningen

Cristina Paulino c.paulino at rug.nl
Tue Jun 27 11:08:09 PDT 2017

Dear colleagues,

The University of Groningen is seeking a manager for our new cryo electron microscopy facility.
The position will become permanent and the candidate will be integrated in a vibrant research group largely focused on the structure-function relationship of membrane transporters and channels.

The facility includes a newly installed FEI Talos Arctica TEM equipped with a K2-summit camera, an energy filter and a phase plate on a full service contract. Smaller microscopes for screening and infrastructures for sample preparation and image processing are available. Whenever required, there is access to the EM facility NeCEN, in Leiden, with two FEI Titan Krios TEMs.  

Primary responsibilities of this position include maintaining the day-to-day running of the facility and training new users. If desired, the facility manager will be involved in research projects and collaborate with internal and external researchers. 

The internationally oriented university is located in the vibrant and charming city of Groningen in the north of Netherlands. The university is continuously ranked among the top 100 in the world with two Nobel prize winners, including the one for Chemistry in 2016 awarded to Ben Feringa. The facility is part of the Groningen Biomolecular Sciences and Biotechnology Institute (GBB) and the Zernike Institute for Advanced Materials, which show a strong commitment to advance cryo-EM at Groningen. 
Among other benefits, foreigners can profit from a 30% tax reduction for 8 years.    

The enthusiastic candidate should have extensive experience in the operation and maintenance of electron microscopes and sample preparation. Strong communication and organization skills are required. 
Please send your CV, a short research experience/motivation letter and contact information for two or three letters of reference to c.paulino at rug.nl <mailto:c.paulino at rug.nl>.

Best regards, 


Dr. Cristina Paulino
Assistant Professor at the Department of cryo Electron Microscopy & Biochemistry
Groningen Biomolecular Sciences and Biotechnology Institute & Zernike Institute for Advanced Materials
University of Groningen
Nijenborgh 4
9747 AG Groningen
The Netherlands
Email: c.paulino at rug.nl <mailto:c.paulino at rug.nl> 
http://www.membraneenzymology.com <http://www.membraneenzymology.com/>

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