[3dem] EM faculty positions at NTU Singapore

Sara Sandin (Asst Prof) SSandin at ntu.edu.sg
Fri Jul 14 08:36:23 PDT 2017

Dear All,

There are two open EM faculty positions at NTU Singapore.

1. Tenure Track Assistant Professorship in single particle cryo-EM
2. Tenure Track Assistant Professorship in cellular EM and correlative microscopy

The expectation is that the successful applicants will establish an independent research program within NTU Institute of Structural Biology (NISB) and the School of Biological Sciences (SBS) to explore the structure and spatial organization of macromolecular assemblies.

The cryo-EM laboratory at NTU is equipped with a 200kV Arctica (F3C, VPP), 120kV T12 (Eagle, Icorr) and a confocal CorrSight (cryo module, miniSOG stage and spinning disk), UC7/LC7 microtome, carbon coaters, plunge freezers and high-speed computing (GPU and CPU).

A 300kV Krios (VPP, F3C, GIF, K2 and STEM detectors) and a cryo-FIB Scios will be installed end of this year.

The salary and start-up package is competitive. NTU faculty housing can be provided on campus, a beautifully green rainforest. Singapore has excellent schools and childcare.

More information about the open positions and application procedure can be found here:  http://www.ntu.edu.sg/ohr/career/CurrentOpenings/FacultyOpenings/SBS/Pages/Tenure-Track-Assistant-Professor-in-Cryo-Electron-Microscopy.aspx

Address your cover letter to: Prof Daniela Rhodes (Director of NISB) and Prof Peter Preiser (Head of SBS)
Email your application package to the Search Committee Chair: SC-SBS at ntu.edu.sg

Best wishes,
Sara Sandin
ssandin at ntu.edu.sg

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