[3dem] clip ring in cryo-holder

Sharon G Wolf Sharon.Wolf at weizmann.ac.il
Wed Feb 22 08:25:29 PST 2017

We replace those spring wires once every few years.

Sent from my iPhone

On 22 Feb 2017, at 15:56, Alexander Shkumatov <ashkumatov at gmail.com<mailto:ashkumatov at gmail.com>> wrote:

sorry, i was not accurate with terms: we see that the spring wire (spring that holds clip ring in place) is kind of getting worn out and somewhat bends which makes it
impossible to insert the clip ring.

We have 626-60. Cornelia, what about clip wire do you have to replace that regularly?

Sharon, what would be the shelf-life of “springs” (clip wires) from your experience?

Thank you for your answers!

On Feb 22, 2017, at 16:16, Sharon G Wolf <Sharon.Wolf at weizmann.ac.il<mailto:Sharon.Wolf at weizmann.ac.il>> wrote:

We have both 626-60 and 626-70 holders. The holders are around 15 years old. The rings have NEVER broken, but indeed the springs do need replacing periodically. You can tell that it needs replacing when you see that a brand new clip ring will hold the grid tightly clamped in.  Also one needs to replace the clip rings themselves periodically because otherwise they do not clamp down perfectly and the grids will become contaminated or partially devitrified. We always have extra clip rings ready in stock. This is easier done for the 626-60 than for the 626-70 holders, because the clip rings for the 626-60 are significantly cheaper.
Its hard for me to imagine the clip rings actually BREAKING. Do they shatter? Do they crack? When does this occur? At what point in the operation?

From: 3dem [mailto:3dem-bounces at ncmir.ucsd.edu] On Behalf Of cornelia at strubi.ox.ac.uk<mailto:cornelia at strubi.ox.ac.uk>
Sent: Wednesday, 22 February, 2017 15:09
To: ashkumatov at gmail.com<mailto:ashkumatov at gmail.com>; Reinhard.Rachel at biologie.uni-regensburg.de<mailto:Reinhard.Rachel at biologie.uni-regensburg.de>
Cc: 3dem at ncmir.ucsd.edu<mailto:3dem at ncmir.ucsd.edu>
Subject: Re: [3dem] clip ring in cryo-holder

Hi Alex,

Which tilt, 60 or 70 degree holders? They have different cliprings and tools, screw tool (60, thicker clipring, steeper slope) vs 'butterfly' tool (70 degree, thinner ring).

I second more training/supervision, but our 626 70 degree holders are getting a little tired (the spring that holds the clipring in place doesn't seem as firm as it used to. No broken cliprings to date, however). We have, however, ordered new cliprings to see if it helps.

Best wishes,

Cornelia Cazey

------ Original message------
From: Alexander Shkumatov
Date: Wed, 22 Feb 2017 14:57
To: Reinhard Rachel;
Cc: 3dem at ncmir.ucsd.edu<mailto:3dem at ncmir.ucsd.edu>;
Subject:Re: [3dem] clip ring in cryo-holder

Dear Reinhard We are using Gatan 626 cryo-holder and JEOL JEM-1400, respectively. Thank you for a quick reply! Alex> On Feb 22, 2017, at 15:48, Reinhard Rachel  wrote:> >>>> 22.02.2017<tel:22.02.2017> at 15:43:>> We have a 120kV microscope that is used heavily for screening purposes.> Since >> recently we have about 5-6 active cryo users and >> a clip ring in a cryo holder being broken (not working properly) twice in 3> >> months. I wonder if this is a normal half-life period for clip rings, say, >> it’s expected that it breaks every 2-3 months of heavy usage?> > which clip-ring of specifically which type of cryo-holder in which TEM? this> is critical to know, Alex. > be aware that the new Fischione cryo-holder avoids this type of problem. worth> considering. > kind regards, Reinhard> > (Yes, it sounds that 'users' need some in-depth advice and/or training, or> need to be removed from the user list ...)> > > -- > Prof. Dr. Reinhard Rachel> University of Regensburg> Centre for EM / Anatomy> Faculty of Biology & Preclin. Med.> Universitaetsstrasse 31> D-93053 Regensburg - Germany> tel +49 941 943 -2837<tel:+49%20941%20943%20-2837>, -1720> mail reinhard.rachel at biologie.uni-regensburg.de<mailto:%20reinhard.rachel at biologie.uni-regensburg.de>> office: VKL 3.1.29 > > Next microscopy conferences:> - DGE AK PANOS: Regensburg, 7. April 2017> - Microscopy Conference 2017 (D-A-CH) Lausanne, CH> 20-25 August 2017> http://www.mc2017.ch/> - 19th International Microscopy Congress, Sydney; 9-14 Sept 2018> http://imc19.com/> - next Microbiol. conferences: > VAAM/DGHM - Annual Conf > March 5-8, 2017, Wuerzburg> _______________________________________________3dem mailing list3dem at ncmir.ucsd.eduhtt<mailto:%20list3dem at ncmir.ucsd.eduhtt>ps://mail.ncmir.ucsd.edu/mailman/listinfo/3dem<http://mail.ncmir.ucsd.edu/mailman/listinfo/3dem>

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