[3dem] workshop on cryo-EM and single-particle analysis in Melbourne, Australia

Hans Elmlund hans.elmlund at monash.edu
Thu Oct 13 15:40:29 PDT 2016

Dear All:

The ARC Centre of Excellence for Advanced Molecular Imaging and EMBL
Australia announce a workshop on cryo-EM and single-particle analysis to be
held at Monash University, Melbourne, Australia, 1-3 February 2017,
preceding the LorneProteins meeting <http://www.lorneproteins.org/>. The
workshop will include hands-on practicals in addition to
problem-solving-oriented talks from leading software developers in the
field, including

*Steven Ludtke*, lead developer of the popular, all-purpose *EMAN2
<http://blake.bcm.edu/emanwiki/EMAN2> *suite of programs

*Hans Elmlund, *lead developer of the *SIMPLE/PRIME
<http://simplecryoem.com/>* suite of programs for *ab intio *3D

*Jose Miguel de la Rosa Trevin *and* Roberto Marabini*, developers of the
integrative software tool *Scipion <http://scipion.cnb.csic.es/m/home/>*

The workshop will cover all computational aspects of single-particle
analysis, including 2D analysis, 3D starting model generation,
heterogeneity analysis, and high-resolution refinement. You will be
introduced to and get the opportunity to try out the latest developments in
the field.

We will accept 40 students. To apply go to


The registration fee is 300 AUD and once your registration is confirmed you
will be sent an invoice. Confirmation letters and invoices will be sent by
Dec 1 2016.

Looking forward to see you in Melbourne,

The organisers:
*Dominika Elmlund & Hans Elmlund*
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