[3dem] Junior group leader position at Institut Pasteur

Rémi Fronzes remi.fronzes at pasteur.fr
Fri Oct 16 09:59:40 PDT 2015

Dear colleagues

I would like to draw your attention to the on-going call for junior group leaders at institut Pasteur, Paris,France. 
This is an open call (no thematic preferences) but junior groups in cryo EM (single particle
or cryo tomography) are particularly encouraged to apply. 

We are in the process of installing a Titan Krios on campus, and the institute is already equipped 
with 120 kV and 200 kV (with direct detector) microscopes. 

Details can be found at https://research.pasteur.fr/fr/call/creation-of-new-junior-research-groups-at-institut-pasteur/

Deadline for applications: 2nd of December 2015

Best regards

Rémi Fronzes

Rémi Fronzes
G5 biologie structurale de la sécrétion bactérienne, institut Pasteur
CNRS UMR 3528, institut Pasteur

Office: +33 (0)145688864
Lab: +33 (0) 145688863
Mobile: +33 (0) 688263992
Email: remi.fronzes at pasteur.fr <mailto:remi.fronzes at pasteur.fr>

25 rue du Docteur Roux  
Bâtiment Metchnikoff, 3ème étage
75015 Paris, France 

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