[3dem] Transparency and Data Availability

Edward Egelman egelman at virginia.edu
Thu Jun 25 12:00:11 PDT 2015

   At the 3DEM GRC that is still in progress, the following statement 
was adopted by unanimous agreement of the entire meeting after an /ad 
hoc/ afternoon workshop was held on reproducibility and data accessibility:

As a community of researchers using cryo-EM to understand biological 
systems, we support moves to make science more transparent and to assess 
data quality at the time of peer review. For manuscripts reporting 
cryo-EM density maps and fitted coordinates, we urge journals to 
encourage authors to either include maps and coordinates with the 
submission or to include a movie that shows an interactive session 
describing the map and the fit of the model in sufficient detail. We 
also call upon journals to require that the images and relevant metadata 
needed to reproduce a published reconstruction be made available upon 
reasonable request following publication.

We are communicating this statement to journals and funding agencies, 
and we hope that those who are not the meeting find themselves in 
support of it!

Edward H. Egelman, Ph.D.
Dept. of Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics
University of Virginia

Biophysical Society

phone: 434-924-8210
fax: 434-924-5069
egelman at virginia.edu

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