[3dem] Postdoctoral position available at OIST University

Shintake Tsumoru shintake at oist.jp
Wed Jun 17 18:30:15 PDT 2015

The Quantum Wave Microscopy Unit is seeking a Post Doc who enjoys single-particle bio-molecule imaging with low-energy electron microscope. This microscope has recently been developed at OIST, based on holography using coherent electron beam, which provides higher contrast image with digital phase contrast in Angstrom resolution. Possible candidate will study 3D structure on viruses, flagella or secretion systems using this new electron microscope and also advanced TEMs in our university. Research subjects are
   (1) EM data analysis for single bio-particles analysis.
   (2) 3D bio-molecule structure reconstruction for virus, flagella and 2D protein crystals.
   (3) Ice-embedded sample treatment and operation of TEM.
   (4) Optimally, analysis on holographic data from OIST diffraction microscope.

for more detail, please visit following:

Please contact to: shintake at oist.jp

Dr. Tsumoru Shintake
Quantum Wave Microscopy Unit
Ocean Power Research

OIST: Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology
Graduate University
1919-1, Tancha, Onna-son, Okinawa 904-0495 Japan
 shintake at oist.jp

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