[3dem] phase plate

Roberto Marotta Roberto.Marotta at iit.it
Mon Dec 21 15:13:54 PST 2015

I would like to install the FEI phase plate (Volta potential phase plate) on a Tecnai g2 F20 Tween with cryobox.
Is there anyone that is using this phase plate in cryoEM/cryo-ET experiments?
Does it work well?
Pitfalls and caveats are really welcomed.
Thank you in advance for your kindness.

Roberto Marotta, PhD - Research Technologist
Electron microscopy lab, Nanochemistry Department
Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, IIT
Via Morego 30, 16163 Genoa, Italy
email: roberto.marotta at iit.it
t: +39 010 71781 897
f: +39 010 71781 236

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