[3dem] CCP-EM Dynamo Workshop Dec 2015 - Registration Open at stfc.ac.uk

Tom Burnley tom.burnley at stfc.ac.uk
Tue Aug 18 06:39:32 PDT 2015

Dear all,

CCP-EM are pleased to announce a three day workshop on the subtomogram
averaging software 'Dynamo' led by the developers Daniel Castaño-Díez (Max
Planck Institute) and Misha Kudryashev (University of Basel / Max Planck),
and assisted by Sai Li (University of Oxford). It will be held on 14-16th
December 2015 at Diamond House, Harwell, Oxfordshire, UK.

There is no registration fee and CCP-EM will provide food and accommodation
however applicants will have to cover their own travel arrangements and

Registration of interest closes on 1st October.  Confirmation of places
will be sent shortly after the close of registration.

*** Registration is available here:

Best wishes,

Tom and the rest of the CCP-EM team

*** Dynamo ***

Dynamo is a software environment for subtomogram averaging of cryo-EM data.

Our goal is to provide a reliable tool for all kind of users: newcomers
needing a mild learning curve, advanced users with lots of data to process
as fast as possible, and developers that need a flexible framework to test
new ideas and algorithms.

A more detailed description of the package can be found in the publication:

Dynamo: A flexible, user-friendly development tool for subtomogram
averaging of cryo-EM data in high-performance computing environments.

Castaño-Díez D, Kudryashev M, Arheit M, Stahlberg H., J Struct Biol. 2012
Jan 8.


Dr Tom Burnley, PhD
Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC)
The Research Complex At Harwell
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, R92
OX11 0FA
01235 56 7871
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