[3dem] Update on uploading and downloading data from EMPIAR

Ardan Patwardhan ardan at ebi.ac.uk
Thu Apr 9 03:26:03 PDT 2015

Dear all

We have made some changes with respect to data upload/download to/from EMPIAR which may be of interest:
1) We have moved to new storage areas and the connection strings that need to be used for command line upload and download have therefore changed. 
2) In addition to Aspera which remains the main option for data transfer (you need to install a free client), data can now also be transferred via Globus (https://www.globus.org/; you will need to install a free client - Globus Connect Personal from Globus). 
3) On the EMPIAR entry pages, for example http://pdbe.org/EMPIAR-10017, there is a file browser that allows you to select files and directories to download. For selections below 1.5GB in size, you also have the option to download a http tar ball.

Please see the FAQ on http://pdbe.org/empiar for more details.

Best wishes

Ardan Patwardhan
Coordinator - cellular structure & PDBe production
Protein Data Bank in Europe (PDBe)
European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI) European Molecular Biology Laboratory
Wellcome Trust Genome Campus
Hinxton, Cambridge CB10 1SD
Tel: +44 1223 492649
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