[3dem] Merging datasets with different pixel sizes

Carlos Oscar S. Sorzano coss at cnb.csic.es
Wed Nov 12 22:07:33 PST 2014

Dear Joel,

you may use xmipp_transform_geometry with --scale 1.0188 (=0.650/0.638). 
It uses cubic B-spline for the interpolation, which is rather accurate.

Kind regards, Carlos Oscar

On 11/13/2014 12:20 AM, Meyerson, Joel (NIH/NCI) [F] wrote:
> Dear All,
> I have two K2 datasets, one with an unbinned apix of 0.638 and another with unbinned apix of 0.650. Can someone suggest an approach to re-scaling one or both of the datasets such that they can be merged for processing? In case it’s relevant, I intend to process the datasets in Relion.
> Thank you,
> Joel
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Carlos Oscar Sánchez Sorzano                  e-mail:   coss at cnb.csic.es
Biocomputing unit                             http://biocomp.cnb.csic.es
National Center of Biotechnology (CSIC)
c/Darwin, 3
Campus Universidad Autónoma (Cantoblanco)     Tlf: 34-91-585 4510
28049 MADRID (SPAIN)                          Fax: 34-91-585 4506

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