[3dem] em2em

michael michael at ImageScience.de
Thu Mar 6 07:48:18 PST 2014

Dear all,

We have updated the em2em conversion program (version 27-Feb-2014).

Import of Digital Micrograph images (DM version 2, 3 and 4) is 
implemented now. The format is very complex so please let us know if an 
import is going wrong.

Errors in SPIDER import and export are corrected. We also updated the 
export to a stack of single image files, which did not work correctly 
(converting a set of FEI_MRC files to MRC files, for example). The pixel 
size in CCP4 and MRC files is set correctly now.

The em2em download page can be found here: 

We thank Gatan, Frank Sigworth and WangJia for information and providing 
us with test files and all users sending us error hints.




Michael Schatz
Image Science Software GmbH

Gillweg 3
D - 14193 Berlin

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Tel: +49 30 8909 5326
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URL: www. ImageScience .de

Geschäftsführer/Managing Director
Michael Schatz

HRB: 33106 Berlin-Charlottenburg
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