[3dem] Electron microscope engineer position

John Briggs briggs at embl.de
Mon Jul 28 04:51:10 PDT 2014

Dear All,
The Electron Microscopy Core Facility at EMBL has a position available for an application engineer in electron microscopy.
Details are below. For further information please contact the facility head yannick.schwab at embl.de.
Please notice that the application deadline is 8th August.
With best wishes,
briggs at embl.de
Tel. +49 6221 387 8482

Dr. John Briggs
European Molecular Biology Laboratory
Meyerhofstr. 1
69117 Heidelberg

Link to job posting:

Location: Heidelberg, Germany
Staff Category: Staff Member
Contract Duration: 3 years
Grading: 4, 5 or 6, depending on experience and qualifications
Closing Date: 8 August 2014
Reference Number: HD_00509

Job Description

	The European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) is one of the highest ranked scientific research organisations in the world. The Headquarters Laboratory is located in Heidelberg (Germany), with additional sites in Grenoble (France), Hamburg (Germany), Hinxton (UK) and Monterotondo (Italy).
	The Engineer will join the staff of the Electron Microscopy Core Facility (EMCF), which provides advanced expertise and service in electron microscopy: from sample preparation to image analysis and for a large variety of biological samples ranging from macromolecules to tissues. The EMCF offers routine access to 2D and 3D ultrastructural characterization, immuno-localization at the subcellular level and correlative light and electron microscopy.

The job responsibilities will include:
	• Supervision of the microscopes and computer workstations in a multi-user environment (implement usage guidelines, log-books, manage the online booking system etc.).
	• Operation of the microscopes to collect three-dimensional datasets by electron tomography (single and dual axis, montaged and serial tomograms). 
	• Running computational data analysis packages including three-dimensional reconstruction of cell volumes and segmentation methods.
	• Training new users and providing support for the existing ones in using the TEMs and the different software packages available. This responsibility involves one-on-one training sessions and the organization of workshops.
	• Developing imaging resources: improve acquisition workflows (eg. automation for CLEM), ensure a technology watch to bring the microscopes to a cutting edge level (at the hardware and software levels).
	• Contribute to the upgrading of the facility’s computer systems, software packages and web server management.

Qualifications and Experience

	The ideal candidate should be an engineer (master degree or equivalent, a PhD would be an advantage) possessing outstanding interpersonal and communication skills. The candidate must have an expertise in TEM imaging and EM tomography, must be comfortable with complex technical equipment and preferably possess computer skills (including Linux/Unix environment). 
	Initially, the successful candidate will get in-house training provided by the Facility staff. Additional high-level training in other EM Centres (both academic and industrial) will be offered to allow for an optimal career development in electron microscopy techniques. The successful candidate should be able to work independently, be very well organized, reliable and enjoy working in an international team within a highly collaborative atmosphere. Fluency in English is required.

Application Instructions
Please apply online through www.embl.org/jobs

Additional Information
EMBL is an inclusive, equal opportunity employer offering attractive conditions and benefits appropriate to an international research organisation.

Please note that appointments on fixed term contracts can be renewed, depending on circumstances at the time of the review.

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