[3dem] Fwd: Flooding

Jaap Brink jbrink at jeol.com
Mon Sep 16 10:07:08 PDT 2013

Dear Cindy et al.,

I am relieved to read that you guys got spared what could easily have been a disaster. Having gone through one - ours was a tropical storm called Allison that took out 2 of our 4 scopes -it's not something I would wish on anyone. Stay safe and thanks for the updates. 

Best regards,


Sent from mobile device. Please excuse typos and this reply's brevity as I'm using all thumbs to type :-)

On Sep 16, 2013, at 11:24 AM, Cindi Schwartz <cindi.schwartz at colorado.edu> wrote:

> Here is an update from the lab. We got no damage and amazingly, we can't even detect a hint of moisture or dampness in the old high voltage pit, which normally has a small stream running under it. 
> Thanks again for all of the well wishes and maybe, just maybe they helped keep our scopes and the rest of the lab out of danger.
> With a big smile on my face,
> Cindi
> On Sep 15, 2013, at 12:26 PM, Cindi Schwartz wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> Thank you for being so considerate and asking many of us how we are doing. I personally have received many emails and since Sergej has requested, I will write to the IMOD list serve and other list serves.
>> It is a tragedy of great proportions and we are still living within it. The rain is currently coming down in buckets at my house as I write this. The emergency alert network has just issued another flash flood warning and is going off constantly. As you may have seen, this is widespread among the entire Colorado community and everyone knows someone who is devastated by what is happening. 
>> Most of us are faring well, but we know there are members of the lab who are having flooding in their homes. Unfortunately, we cannot know the true nature of the damage until the rains stop. 
>> Andy went to the lab on Friday and the lab was still intact at that time. The University has been closed since Thursday and there is still no word if we are allowed to come back to work on Monday. For me, my bus route has been canceled into Boulder due to road damage and I will have to find alternative transportation. I have a feeling this will be the new normal for most of us who commute to Boulder for a while. Portions of the University were evacuated and I just received notice via the CU alert system that they may evacuate again. Officials say every building on campus has water damage, mostly in basements. As EM people, you all know that is where EMs are usually housed.
>> We are keeping our fingers crossed that the lab members who are majorly affected will receive the help they need and will be able to come to work soon. We also hope the lab fares well through this and we can get back to work and have some semblance of normalcy within our lives again. 
>> IF we are flooded, we may be asking for those of you who have experienced this same situation to guide us on things to do and not do. In the meantime, we thank you all for your well wishes and concerns. We are truly blessed to be in such a caring community such as this.
>> Cindi Schwartz speaking on behalf of BL3DEMC
>> Begin forwarded message:
>>> From: Sergej Masich <Sergej.Masich at ki.se>
>>> Date: September 15, 2013 12:10:34 PM MDT
>>> To: David Mastronarde <mast at colorado.edu>, Cindi Schwartz <cindi.schwartz at colorado.edu>
>>> Subject: Flooding
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