[3dem] Second hand table top glow discharger?

Ariel Blocker paajb at bristol.ac.uk
Tue Jun 18 01:37:20 PDT 2013

Dear All,
We are looking to acquire a second hand table top glow discharger and vacuum
pump, such as the ones from Electron Microscopy Sciences listed below:

EMS-Mini Sputter Coater/Glow Discharge Unit  Complete With Target (catalog
number E7620) and RV3 Vacuum Pump
(catalog number 91003).

If you have such pieces of equipment (or related models from other
companies) which you are interested selling in the near future, please would
you contact me directly?

Many thanks,
Ariel Blocker.
Ariel J. Blocker, Ph.D.
Reader in Microbiology
Schools of Cellular & Molecular Medicine and Biochemistry
Medical Sciences Building
University of Bristol
University Walk
Bristol  BS8 1TD
United Kingdom

Email: ariel.blocker at bristol.ac.uk
Tel office (D39a): +44 117 33 12063
Tel wetlab (D57/D59): +44 117 33 12404
Tel wetlab office (D53): +44 117 33 12059
Tel drylab (D51): +44 117 33 12097
Tel Tecnai20: +44 117 33 12357
Dept. fax: +44 117 3312091
Room: D39a
Personal webpage: 
Group page: http://www.bristol.ac.uk/cellmolmed/infect-immune/blocker/
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