[3dem] Advices on HPF

Xavier Heiligenstein xheiligenstein at yahoo.com
Thu Sep 13 08:35:44 PDT 2012

Dear 3D EM and cryoEM community,

I am considering High Pressure Freezing a specimen that is in a serum 
with 2.5% wt/vol Methyl-cellulose. I am not sure if the MC will will not 
limit the vitrification efficiency or induce ice crystal formation.
And later for the freeze substitution if it will give me troubles with 
Lowicryl and/or EPON.

Has anyone some experience with these and could give me some advices ?

Thank you very much in advance.



Xavier Heiligenstein, PhD

Computer Configuration:

Intel Core i7-2860QM CPU @ 2.50Ghz
RAM: 16,0 GB
NVIDIA Quadro 2000M / Intel HD Graphics Family
Windows 7-64bits, SP1

Institut Curie,

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