[3dem] A source of knowledgeable image processing specialists...

Marin van Heel m.vanheel at imperial.ac.uk
Mon Oct 15 03:28:13 PDT 2012


A bottleneck in structural biology by 3D single-particle cryo-EM is the 
availability of specialists for processing the data from the point of 
data collection (in a microscopy centre like www.NeCEN.nl) to the 
interpretation of the final results. This processing requires access to 
powerful parallel computers and to the appropriate software (like our 
IMAGIC package). Most of all, however, it requires data processing 
specialists with the time and drive to "monomanically" pursue a project 
until completion over a period of say three or six months. With modern 
international communication technology now becoming a routine ("Skype"), 
integrating a specialist - somewhere in the world - into a short-term 
project could be a real alternative. I am wondering whether PIs would be 
interested in setting up such rapid-results "virtual collaboration" type 
of projects.


Marin van Heel

Professor of Cryo-EM Data Processing
Leiden University
Cell Observatory
NeCEN Building Room 05.27
Einsteinweg 55
2333 CC Leiden
The Netherlands


Professor of Structural Biology
Imperial College London
Division of Molecular Biosciences
Biochemistry Building (Room 512)
London SW7 2AZ,  UK


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