[3dem] Xmipp servers?

Carlos Oscar Sánchez Sorzano coss at cnb.csic.es
Thu Mar 17 14:03:09 PDT 2011

Dear David,

which server seems to be down? I have connected to both the official web 
page and the code repository, and both seems to be working. If you 
specify more, we'll try to see what's wrong.

Kind regards, Carlos Oscar

On 17/03/2011 17:32, David Gene Morgan wrote:
> Hi,
> Is anyone else having trouble connecting to the Xmipp servers?

Carlos Oscar Sánchez Sorzano                  e-mail:   coss at cnb.csic.es
Biocomputing unit                             http://biocomp.cnb.csic.es
National Center of Biotechnology (CSIC)
c/Darwin, 3
Campus Universidad Autónoma (Cantoblanco)     Tlf: 34-91-585 4510
28049 MADRID (SPAIN)                          Fax: 34-91-585 4506

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