[3dem] Post-doctoral postion availabe in Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School

Sheemei Lok sheemei19 at yahoo.com.sg
Thu Mar 10 22:48:08 PST 2011

A postdoctoral position is available at the Laboratory of Virus Structure and 
Function in the Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School, Singapore.
The Laboratory of Shee-Mei Lok 
(http://www.duke-nus.edu.sg/web/research_faculty_sheemei.htm) is looking for a 
post-doctoral fellow to work on the structural studies of dengue viruses and its 
complexes. Her laboratory uses a combination of techniques such as x-ray 
crystallography and cryo-electron microscopy (CryoEM) including single particle 
analysis and cryotomography. Facilities such as in-house x-ray machines and 
cryoelectron microscope (Titan Krios, FEI) are available in the National 
University of Singapore.
            The post-doctoral fellow will mainly participate in the 
computational side of structure solving and thus should have prior experience in 
solving either cryoEM or x-ray structures. Training in crystallography or cryoEM 
data collection and image processing however, will also be available if 
               Interested individuals are invited to send cover letter, cv and a 
list of referees to Dr Shee-Mei Lok by email (sheemei.lok at duke-nus.edu.sg).

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