[3dem] creating models from PDB files

Steven Ludtke sludtke at bcm.edu
Wed Jul 27 21:13:15 PDT 2011

I would argue that 'better than another' is a relative term. The question is, better for what ?
Are you after 2 A ?  5 A ? 25 A ? Do you need to worry about solvation ?  If trying to compare to 
a single particle reconstruction, what about angle orientation uncertainty ? That has a very different
effect than the normal sort of blurring most programs do.  So, what is it you're after in your
synthetic map ?

Steven Ludtke, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Dept. of Biochemistry and Mol. Biol.      Those who do
Co-Director National Center For Macromolecular Imaging	           ARE
Baylor College of Medicine                                     The converse
sludtke at bcm.edu  -or-  stevel at alumni.caltech.edu               also applies

On Jul 27, 2011, at 2:47 PM, David Gene Morgan wrote:

> Hi,
> 	Has anyone done any sort of critical evaluation of the different 
> programs that will read PDB files and generate volumes?  I know that 
> there are lots of ways to do this, and that different programs appear to 
> do fairly different things.  But does anyone have good reasons for 
> believing that one program is better than another?
> -- 
>                  David Gene Morgan
>                   cryoEM Facility
>                   320C Simon Hall
>            Indiana University Bloomington
>                812 856 1457 (office)
>                812 856 3221 (EM lab)
>             http://bio.indiana.edu/~cryo
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