[3dem] The 6ICET-Make sure you do not miss this event!!

omedalia at biochem.mpg.de omedalia at biochem.mpg.de
Sat Feb 26 15:34:17 PST 2011

Dear colleagues,
Please note that the deadline for abstract submission for the sixth  
international congress on electron tomography is coming soon (March  
Fifteen presentations will be directly selected from the submitted  

The current program can be found here:


The conference designed to bring together researchers working on  
hardware and software developments and applications of electron  
tomography,in biological and medical science.
It will address the state of the art in biology derived electron  
tomography studies, as well as future perspectives in electron  

We are delighted to anounce that the Journal of Structural Biology  
agreed to dedicate a special issue on electron tomography, emphasizing  
the importance of our field.

We look forward welcoming you in Heidelberg in May!

On behalf of the organizing committee,
Ohad Medalia

Ohad Medalia, Ph. D.
Department of Biochemistry
Zurich University
Winterthurerstrasse 190
CH-8057 Zürich
Fax: +41-44-6355907

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