[3dem] CEMOVIS last call

Sergej Masich Sergej.Masich at ki.se
Tue Sep 16 08:24:58 PDT 2008

Dear colleagues,

This is the last call for application to the "CEMOVIS: cryo-electron  
microscopy of vitreous sections" course that will take place at  
Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm. No applications will be accepted  
after September 30. More information as well as an application form  
can be found at http://www.3dem-noe-training.org/ A direct application  
via e-mail (the application form can be downloaded from the site) is  
most appreciated.

Bets regards,

Sergej Masich, the course organizer
Dr. Sergej Masich
Dept. of Cell and Molecular Biology
Karolinska Institutet
Box 285
171 77 Stockholm, Sweden
tel: (+)46 - 8 - 524 873 61
mobile: (+)46 - 736 - 833 693
fax: (+)46 - 8 - 31 35 29
e-mail: Sergej.Masich at ki.se

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