[3dem] Problems with Tecnai software version 3.1

Esther Bullitt bullitt at medusa.bu.edu
Thu Oct 30 11:36:51 PDT 2008


We upgraded our computer and software for the TF20 scope, and are having
problems with the FEG turning off when the column valve is opened.

Sometimes it simply goes to 'standby' (the power stays on but the operate
button goes off), and sometimes the whole FEG shuts down, including the
FEG power and the high tension.  When it is just in standby, it starts
again easily.  However, if it all shuts down it can take anywhere from 1
to a dozen 'warm starts' to get the FEG back on.  We get a 'FEG
extractor hardware error' message, and it always requires one or many 
reboots of both the scope AND the computer to start the FEG
successfully again. We seem to notice that a 'rest period', where we try 
nothing overnight usually is more successful.

Sometimes it is necessary to press the emergency V7 close button on the
side of the scope to make the software and hardware both know that V7 is,
in fact, closed.

Our software is currently FEI version 3.1,  build 3958.
Is anyone else having problems at all like this?!  Or other problems that
seem to be glitches in the new software?

Thanks very much.

Esther Bullitt, Ph.D.
Dept. of Physiology & Biophysics
Boston University School of Medicine
700 Albany Street, Room W302
Boston, MA  02118-2526

Email:      bullitt at bu.edu
Telephone:  617-638-5037           
Facsimile:  617-638-4041

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