[3dem] Arginine and virus clump

Bill Tivol tivol at caltech.edu
Thu May 22 11:53:25 PDT 2008

On May 21, 2008, at 8:45 PM, Eduardo Sanz-Garcia wrote:

> I was wondering if that reagent would affect negatively our cryo  
> (like for example glucose).

Dear Eduardo,
	What effect the arginine will have on cryo specimens depends on its  
concentration.  Glucose used as a cryoprotectant is in the tens of  
percent concentration range, and carbohydrate-containing granules,  
which bubble before the rest of a cell, are even more concentrated.   
If you use ~50 mM arginine, you will be far below these  
concentrations, so there should not be too significant an effect.  I  
have not tested this, so I'm just guessing.
Bill Tivol, PhD
EM Scientist
Electron Cryo-Microscopy Facility
Broad Center, Mail Code 114-96
California Institute of Technology
Pasadena CA 91125
(626) 395-8833
tivol at caltech.edu

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