[3dem] Two postdoctoral positions in cellular electron tomography in Singapore

Wanzhong He hewz at caltech.edu
Fri Jan 25 09:49:42 PST 2008

Two postdoctoral positions in cellular electron tomography at NUS

Two postdoctoral positions are available from April 2008 in Dr. Wanzhong
He’s Cellular Electron Tomography and Cryo-EM Lab at Dept. of Biological
Sciences, National University of Singapore. This research lab is focused
on nano-imaging of molecular architectures and cellular dynamic events
in several in vivo engineered animal model systems with the combination
of several advanced technologies that have been established in the lab,
e.g.:  high pressure freezing (HPF), freeze-substition fixation (FSF), 
frozen-hydrated thin sectioning, our newly developed HPF/FSF-based
nanogold-enlarging technique (He et al., JSB, 2007, 160(1):103-113; He
et al, manuscript submitted to Nature, under revision),  high resolution
immunolabelling, and cellular electron tomography (He et al., Science
2003, v302,109-113). Although it is possible to identify a few large
proteins or complex in cells at a few nanometer resolution with HPF/FSF
or frozen-hydrated samples, however, there are still questionable with
inevitable artefacts caused by dehydration, mechanical sectioning
distortion, high accumulated electron dose damage, subjective
tomographic averaging methods etc.. The majority of the proteins in the
cellular environment are very small and impossible to be identified
directly from the 2-5nm unreliable “densities” (or “molecular
signatures”).  How to identify those small proteins in the cells from
tomograms would be a quite challenging but a very important direction
for cellular electron tomography in the future. Our lab will continue to
develop new nano-technologies to identify:  what are these small
proteins?  where are they distributed and perform their functions?  when
do they interact with other proteins?   

Postion I:  is funded by A*STAR (Agency for Science, Technology and
Research), Singapore. We will use genetic engineered medakafish model
together with above mentioned nano-imaging technologies to trace the
stem cells and their differentiation from embryo to adult, from
micrometer to nanometer resolution in 3D. It will be closely
collaborated with a stem cell and medakafish genetics experts in the
same department. 

Postion II: is funded by MOE (Ministry of Education), Singapore. We will
focused on tracing several receptor-mediated endocytosis processes in
rat small intestinal epithelial cells with 1.4nm nanogold particles
labeled ligands, high resolution labeling technologies and cellular
electron tomography. 

We have placed the order of two cryo-electron microscopes: a FEI T12
with 4kx4k Gatan ultrascan UHS CCD; a state-of-the-art FEI Titan Krios
300kV FEG cryo-electron microscope with 4kx4k Gatan ultrascan US4000 UHS
CCD and Gatan Tridiem energy filter; and a vitrobot. Currently, my lab
equipped with a high pressure freezing machine, 2 freeze-substitution
machine, 2 cryo-ultramicrotome, a CM-10 100kV electron microscope and a
JEOL-2010F cryo-electron microscope, and a lot of other facilities, like
JEOL carbon/gold coating system, plasama cleaner, glow discharging
device, JEOL SEM, dark room, workstations, light microscopes, biosafety
cabinet class 2, autoclave, etc.  

Qualifications include a PhD degree and strong background in cell
biology, molecular biology or biocheimistry, or genetics and
developmental biology are preferred for position I-II; Nano-technology,
structural biology, Physics or chemistry for position II will be also
considered.  Experiences in cryo-electron microscopy and computer skills
will be a plus. Salary will be comparable with NIH standard. Interested
candidates should send a CV including areas of expertise and interest,
publications list, and names and contact information for 3 references to
Dr. Wanzhong He at dbshw at nus.edu.sg

Dr. Wanzhong He (Assistant Professor)
Department of Biological Sciences
National University of Singapore
14 Science Drive 4, Singapore 117543
Tel: +65 6516 7378   Fax: +65 6779 2486
Email: dbshw at nus.edu.sg

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