[3dem] EM Map depositions to EMDB

emdep emdep at ebi.ac.uk
Mon Feb 4 05:12:34 PST 2008

New USA deposition site for the EMDB

Beginning 4 February 2008, electron microscopy map data may be deposited 
to the EM Data Bank at either of two sites: a new deposition
site at RCSB in the USA, as well as the existing deposition site at EBI in 
Europe. EmDep2, an improved version of the web-based
service for EM map deposition, has been installed at both sites.

Link to deposition at EBI/Europe:   http://www.ebi.ac.uk/msd-srv/emdep/
Link to deposition at RCSB/USA:   http://emdb.rutgers.edu/emdep/

For additional information see http://www.ebi.ac.uk/msd-srv/docs/emdb/ .

This improvement to EMDB services is the first product of a collaboration 
beween the European Network of Excellence 3D-EM
(http://www.3dem-noe.org/) and the recently NIH-funded partnership for a 
Unified Data Resource for CryoEM (http://emdatabank.org)
between the European Bioinformatics Institute, the Research Collaboratory 
for Structural Bioinformatics at Rutgers, and the National
Center for Macromolecular Imaging at Baylor.


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  Macromolecular Structure Database
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  Hinxton                             emdep at ebi.ac.uk
  Cambridge CB10 1SD     UK

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