[3DEM] grids and detergent

Andreas Forster docandreas at gmail.com
Tue Feb 27 11:33:40 PST 2007

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Hey all,

I was referred to this mailing from the ccp4 list, and this is my first 
post.  I hope this is the right audience.

I'm trying to get negative stain images of a membrane protein.  Problem 
is that the detergent (similar to triton) that best stabilizes the 
protein eats the carbon grid, even at concentrations of 0.1x CMC.  Has 
anyone encountered a similar problem and found a solution around it? 
Are there different types of carbon grids?



    >>>       Andreas Förster       <<<
8 rue Doudart de Lagrée, F-38000 Grenoble
+33.438.866201    docandreas.blogspot.com
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