[3DEM] Lectureship in Biological Cryo-Electron microscopy

Clair Baldock clair.baldock at manchester.ac.uk
Tue Mar 14 01:09:06 PST 2006

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*Lectureship in Biological Cryo-Electron microscopy
University of Manchester*

We wish to recruit a talented biologist with a strong background in the 
application of cryo-electron microscopy to biological systems. His/her 
broader research interests may be in any area of modern biology, cell 
biology, structural biology or biochemistry. The successful applicant 
will have an excellent publication record, and ideally will have had 
some success in independently raising funding for research. The 
appointee will be expected to develop an independent research theme, 
publish in high impact factor journals and raise grant funding for their 
research. An enthusiastic contribution to undergraduate and postgraduate 
education in the University is also expected.

The salary will be within the range £31,525 - £47,685 p.a. depending on 

Biological Cryo-Electron Microscopy Ref: LS / 034 / 06

Informal enquiries to Professor Bob Ford robert.ford at manchester.ac.uk or 
Professor Karl Kadler karl.kadler at manchester.ac.uk

Application forms and further particulars are available from our website 
http://www.man.ac.uk/news/vacancies/academic.html#LS031. If necessary, 
you can obtain them from +44 (0) 161 275 5632 or e-mail: 
penny.campbell at manchester.ac.uk

Closing date for the post: 31 March 2006
Please quote the reference number
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