Postdoctoral positions available

Eva Nogales enogales at
Thu May 12 13:42:54 PDT 2005

Several postdoctoral positions are available at the Nogales Lab in UC 
Berkeley. The lab uses electron microscopy and image analysis to 
characterize polymers and macromolecular complexes. Areas of research 
include the microtubule cytoskeleton, eukaryotic transcription, and 
human transcription-coupled DNA repair (this position is available 
immediately). If interested, please respond to this e-mail and include a 
CV and your areas of expertise and interest.

Eva Nogales

P.S. I will be attending the 3-D EM Gordon conference and will be glad 
to meet with those interested that are attending the meeting too

Eva Nogales
Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Molecular and Cell Biology Department, LSA 355 #3200
University of California, Berkeley
Berkeley, CA 94720-3200

Phone: (510) 642-0557		Fax: (510) 642-8806			 enogales at
(510) 643-6411		Teresa Tucker, Assistant to Eva Nogales

Associate Professor, UC Berkeley and Lawrence Berkeley Natl. Lab

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