
Rachel Scherer rachel at
Tue Feb 8 10:59:02 PST 2005


I just dug this up from the 3DEM list archives, but find the email 
address hidden - perhaps you could still provide this address? We had a 
major paower failure last weeekend and lost our supply of ATG and are 
looking to replace it immediately. Did you ever get a 'group order' 
together - any success in securing a better price?

Many thanks,

     * Date: Mon, 10 Jan 2005 12:00:04 -0800
     * From: Henning Stahlberg <HStahlberg at xxxxxxxxxxx>
     * Subject: Auro Thioglucose
In order to demonstrate the market for Auro Thioglucose, I therefore 
would like to encourage interested potential customers to contact Dr. 
Roy Bond from Synthon (email: inquiries at xxxxxxxxxxxxx, phone: +27 21 975 
3401), asking about the availability of Auro Thioglucose.

If you CC me on such an email, I would collect interested labs and we 
could issue a common bigger order. This might also allow better pricing, 

Rachel Scherer			rachel at
Biology Department		413.545.2825(vox)
UMASS Amherst MA 01003		413.545.3243(fax)

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