[3DEM] 4th International Congress for Electron Tomography 2006e

Gina Sosinsky gina at ncmir.ucsd.edu
Thu Dec 15 17:19:51 PST 2005

****************           First Announcement  ***************
The Fourth International Congress on Electron Tomography, (4ICET), will
be held at Paradise Point, San Diego November 5-8, 2006.

This congress brings together biologists, biophysicists, computer
scientists, mathematicians, materials scientists and electron
optical instrumentation specialists for an interdisciplinary exchange of
ideas focusing on advancing methods of electron
tomography (ET) in biology. ET has moved from a specialized experimental
technique practiced by a few laboratories to one delivering critical
information to a broad community of cell biologists, structural
biologists, and neuroscientists. For students, this conference presents
a unique opportunity to learn about cutting-edge advances in ET
applications and methodologies.

Sessions will include:

• Imaging of dynamic structures and correlative microscopy
Co-Chairs: O. Medalia (Ben-Gurion Univ.); Jack Johnson (The Scripps
Research Institute)

• Advances in instrumentation
Co-chairs: M. Ellisman (UCSD); Bram Koster (Univ. ofUltrect, Netherlands)

• 3D reconstruction algorithms
Co-chairs: N. Volkmann (Burnham Institute); TBA

• Visualization & quantitative analysis
Co-chairs: R. Whitaker (Univ. of Utah); D. Mastronarde (Univ. of Colorado)

• Moving tomography to the mainstream: data sharing, data integration, &
model building
Co-chairs: M. Martone (UCSD); J-M. Carazo (Univ. of Madrid)

• Emerging technologies for the multiscale: cell to tissue and molecule
to cell
Co-chairs: D. Hanein (Burnham Institute); C. Larabell (UCSF)

Sessions will include both invited speakers and talks selected from
submitted abstracts.

For further information please check out our web site:
http://www.4icet.org or contact Mark H. Ellisman, Lead Congress
Organizer (mark at ncmir.ucsd.edu) or Grace Osborne, Congress Coordinator
(gosborne at ncmir,ucsd.edu)

A meeting flyer is attached to this email.

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