Postdoc position

Helen Saibil h.saibil at
Fri Nov 12 10:45:54 PST 2004

Dear Colleagues,

Postdoctoral position in image processing

A postdoctoral position funded by the EU as part of the Network of 
Excellence on 3D EM is available at the Department of Crystallography, 
Birkbeck College London, carry out research involving software 
development and evaluation of methods for structure determination from 
cryo-electron micrographs of macromolecular assemblies, including 
molecular machines involved in protein folding and transcription, and 
membrane complexes.  The lab is well equipped for cryo EM, including a 
FEG system, and for image processing with a wide range of unix 
workstations and linux clusters, as well as for protein crystallography. 
A full job description and details of the Department and research group 
are available on the web at

Helen Saibil 	H.saibil at
Elena Orlova   E.orlova at

Crystallography Department
Birkbeck College
Malet St, London WC1E 7HX, UK
phone: -44-171-631-6820
fax: -44-171-631-6803

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