[3dem] Positions available UK

Panne, Daniel (Prof.) daniel.panne at leicester.ac.uk
Wed Feb 21 10:04:19 PST 2024

Dear all,

We currently have Postdoc positions available in our group funded by the Wellcome Trust. Our project focuses on understanding molecular mechanisms that control the regulation of 3D genome organisation and how they contribute to different aspects of genome function. The project is an interdisciplinary, collaborative and international project involving groups in Imperial College London, the Netherlands Cancer Institute (NKI) Amsterdam, the University of Oxford, and the University of Leicester, UK. We combine expertise in structural biology, biochemistry, cell biology, model organisms and integrative imaging across scales. The aim is to link atomic structures to molecular mechanisms and organismal function.

We are seeking creative and highly motivated scientists that are keen to work on interdisciplinary projects in an international setting. You should have a PhD degree in structural biology or equivalent and have a demonstrated record of accomplishment in conducting high quality original research. Experience in protein biochemistry and single particle cryoEM or xray crystallography, are essential. Depending on interests, fellows can develop additional skills in cellular imaging using cryoET.

We offer a well-balanced training programme focused on transferable skills for scientists. Workshops cover career development, research integrity/good scientific practice and open science and data management initiatives. In addition, fellows can complete trainings of their choice based on their future career goals and interests.

Applicants are required to outline their suitability for this role via the online application process and should include a CV, summary of their accomplishment and research interests, and publication list.

The initial closing date for applications is 22th March 2024, however applications will be reviewed and interviewed on an ongoing basis until this vacancy is filled.

Research Associate; Structural biology of genome regulation<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://jobs.le.ac.uk/vacancies/9270/research-associate-structural-biology-of-genome-regulation.html__;!!Mih3wA!GVlBtlqEIV3xZDRekxksQrQZMSPEwslX-fE7GNNs-HRh6cP7ZIJEUOcixYrFLN5ewF33jI9_bZwRE9Sl6xUeNSiCNdgPXmc$ >
For further information about this role please contact Daniel Panne (daniel.panne at le.ac.uk).

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