[3dem] Scipion user's meeting - This Thursday 2nd Nov, at 16:00 (CET) or 10:00 (EDT)

Pablo Conesa Mingo pconesa at cnb.csic.es
Mon Oct 30 10:31:48 PDT 2023

Dear Scipion users, or not.

We are starting a regular set of SHORT (1hour) meetings (1 per month) to 
keep in touch with Scipion users or not, and at the same time share our 
progress with you.

The main objectives for this regular meetings are:

1. *Know from us*: Update you with the latest changes released or what 
is about to come.

1.(not a typo, as important as the above) *Know from you*: Listen to you 
about anything you want to tell us, improvements, what you like, what 
you don't like, how to addess your em processing problems...

There will be "Scipion developers", "Xmipp developers", "Plugins 
developers" and expert Scipion users: A whole team at your disposal to 
help you or listen to your ideas.

In general the Agenda would be:

1.- Scipion update (15-20) mins aprox:

2.-  Your time.

Please, feel free to prepare some slides, share your desktop, just raise 
your hand and unmute yourself.... this is 100% informal, bring your case 
or suggestions. It will be strictly 1 hour. So if something remains 
untuched will be thouche on the next month meeting.

You can also send me in advance an agenda item so it is already 
considered and will take precedence over other questions.

We think this would be a nice scenario to contact users with other users 
and developers.

We will not longer use scipion-users at lists.sourceforge.net. We have 
moved to https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://discord.gg/TzS5VTKQbY__;!!Mih3wA!BjlPjN-bmBlZ1nRrtd794pCpJw_V2DN587BWVZSLlYQIJRD_oaLHiAMrlLVjHdocNlm_mIKQUivfn1ZPhIfqfA$  (everyone is welcome to join now 
that is unlimited)

This time it will be this Thursday, 2nd Nov at 16:00 (CET)

It will be at https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://conectaha.csic.es/b/pab-kc8-xpd-cwl__;!!Mih3wA!BjlPjN-bmBlZ1nRrtd794pCpJw_V2DN587BWVZSLlYQIJRD_oaLHiAMrlLVjHdocNlm_mIKQUivfn1bfvYpKZg$ 

No need to register, just connect!

Hope to find you there, Pablo.

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