[3dem] Joint postdoc at UMass Chan Medical School, CSHL and Flatiron Institute

Nikolaus Grigorieff niko at grigorieff.org
Mon Oct 16 08:21:07 PDT 2023

*Postdoctoral position to work in collaboration with the Grigorieff 
(HHMI, University of Massachusetts Chan Medical School), Furukawa (Cold 
Spring Harbor Laboratory), and Structural and Molecular Biophysics labs 
(Flatiron Institute)*

A fully funded post-doctoral position is available to work on the 
development of new experimental and computational methods to localize 
and reconstruct membrane proteins in situ by electron cryo-microscopy 
(cryo-EM). The ideal candidate will have experience with cryo-EM data 
analysis, and/or in coding using C++ and Python in a Linux environment. 
The postdoctoral researcher will be primarily based in the Grigorieff 
lab in Worcester, MA, to work on experimental aspects of the project, 
but will also spend time at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, NY, and the 
Flatiron Institute, New York, NY, to improve sample preparation and 
develop new image processing algorithms. For more information regarding 
our current research, please visit




The Grigorieff, Furukawa, Structural and Molecular Biophysics labs 
provide friendly and collaborative environments where creativity, open 
discussion and independence are encouraged. The University of 
Massachusetts Chan Medical School and Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory have 
state-of-the-art electron microscope facilities, including 
high-resolution cryo-EM microscopes equipped with direct electron 
detectors, and equipment for protein purification, sample preparation, 
and image processing. The Flatiron Institute is known for their 
excellence in the mathematical and computational sciences and generous 
computational resources, including large CPU and GPU clusters.

Interested individuals should contact Drs. Nikolaus Grigorieff 
(niko at grigorieff.org), Pilar Cossio (pcossio at flatironinstitute.org), 
Sonya Hanson (shanson at flatironinstitute.org), or Hiro Furukawa 
(furukawa at cshl.edu) and include a CV, statement of research interests, 
and the names, addresses and emails of three references.
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