[3dem] Possibility to join us through the EMBL EIPOD postdoctoral fellowship program

Julia Mahamid julia.mahamid at embl.de
Thu Oct 12 09:57:25 PDT 2023

Dear 3DEMers,

The EMBL Interdisciplinary Postdoctoral program (EIPOD) will have a call for applications for 3 year fellowships opening on Nov. 20th, 2023 and closing on Feb. 20th, 2024. For more information, please check the website: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.embl.org/about/info/postdoctoral-programme/eipod-linc-exploring-life-in-context/__;!!Mih3wA!BbxI0dUpuquHLwsuDXPxuWLopd1SBjATqhR8fUFj_6m9lHoPgQe1QAayIhlJoeoCHX-Dp2HX67m3sLMuSmSAe5aQwk0$  <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.embl.org/about/info/postdoctoral-programme/eipod-linc-exploring-life-in-context/__;!!Mih3wA!BbxI0dUpuquHLwsuDXPxuWLopd1SBjATqhR8fUFj_6m9lHoPgQe1QAayIhlJoeoCHX-Dp2HX67m3sLMuSmSAe5aQwk0$ >

The program is particularly suited to applicants seeking to develop interdisciplinary skills in cutting-edge research, and as such, requires the involvement of 2 or more supervisors from EMBL or our member state. This is a truly exciting program, which provides further training and career development activities, embedded in our outstanding scientific environment and infrastructure at EMBL.

I have open positions in the group to work on a variety of research projects that build on our strong expertise in cellular cryo-electron tomography and close collaboration with outstanding partners, ranging from in-cell (integrative) structural biology of new bacterial models, multi-scale and multi-modal imaging in human organoid models, development of advanced image segmentation and registration across cryogenic imaging modalities, or translation regulation in neurones differentiated from human induced pluripotent stem cells.  

If this might be of interest, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with a brief motivation statement and CV so that we can explore and shape together exciting projects. 

Prior Knowledge of cryo-EM/ET is not mandatory, and I particularly encourage applications from motivated women.

Cheers, Julia

Julia Mahamid
Structural and Computational Biology Unit
European Molecular Biology Laboratory
Meyerhofstrasse 1
69117 Heidelberg
Phone: +49 (0)6221 387 8451
julia.mahamid at embl.de

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