[3dem] Internship in the Mahamid Lab at EMBL Heidelberg

Steffen Klein steffen.klein at embl.de
Mon Nov 27 00:31:43 PST 2023

Dear All,
The Mahamid Lab has an open position for an intern or master's student to work on the development of novel protein tags for in situ cryo-electron tomography in human cells. You will be working on an exciting project, applying our recently developed molecular tag (https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.nature.com/articles/s41592-023-02053-0__;!!Mih3wA!D2T_o3UvgxoFF9p_qaJAwX8Y4pqOiqBq3D4GDhQkOV8qYIC_4CH4qGpL7vJQ88CQP5XelJETJTjCLKuW6t9d0XF0xD4$ ) to translation complexes in the context of cellular stress. Furthermore, you will characterize and evaluate novel and improved tagging systems in this context.

We are looking for a motivated student with a strong interest in cryo-EM/ET who wants to do an internship with a minimum time of 6 months (funding is available for 12 months). The position is available from January 2024.

If you are interested, please send your application and CV to julia.mahamid at embl.de and steffen.klein at embl.de <mailto:steffen.klein at embl.de>.



Steffen Klein
Postdoctoral Fellow (ARISE)

Mahamid Group
Structural and Computational Biology Unit
European Molecular Biology Laboratory
Meyerhofstrasse 1
69117 Heidelberg

+49 (0)6221 387 8335
steffen.klein at embl.de

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