[3dem] Who will captain the good ship EMDB?

Gerard Kleywegt gerard at xray.bmc.uu.se
Wed Jan 11 07:21:21 PST 2023

Dear colleagues,

We are living through unprecedented, exciting times for the cryo-EM field. For
EMDB, the past decade has been challenging with sustained exponential(!) growth
of the archive, and rapid methodological changes in the field that need to be
supported (deposition requirements, metadata, validation).

With continuing major advances in the field (such as in-situ structural biology)
and progress in other relevant fields (such as accurate protein-structure
prediction methods), the years ahead promise to be equally exciting and
challenging for EMDB.

To steer EMDB through the high seas of science, we are looking to recruit a new
captain, er, Team Leader (an EMBL Faculty position). Are you (or do you know
someone who is) an ambitious, mid-career scientist who has the skills, drive and
vision to manage this journey, with the help of an enthusiastic team of
scientists and software developers?

If you are (or you do), please set sail to:
https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.embl.org/jobs/position/EBI02047__;!!Mih3wA!F3vKeKzFQRZDJVrAq0VJBEz_xNYFeS3mb6VPZUCdQFIj5S2hMfN5BNdUP9bUy0ljVRYf_kvAo28pgIKlnsY_TMtK$  for more information.


The Electron Microscopy Data Bank (EMDB; emdb-empiar.org) is one of the three
core archives of the Worldwide Protein Data Bank organisation (wwPDB;
wwpdb.org). The activities of the EMDB team at EMBL-EBI include archival,
curation, integration, visualisation, validation and dissemination of cryo-EM
data, weekly production processes, planning, coordinating and working with our
wwPDB partners, and outreach, training and public engagement.

We expect the successful candidate to have ample experience with, and a good
practical and theoretical understanding of cryo-EM/ET, to have experience
carrying out scientific software development, as well as an ability to write
successful grants, to manage projects, and to lead a highly skilled team.

The vacancy will close on 23 February 2023 and (virtual) interviews will take
place on Monday 13 March 2023.

Please feel free to bring this position to the attention of anyone with the
right skillset who might be interested.

Best wishes,

Gerard Kleywegt & Ardan Patwardhan

Gerard J. Kleywegt, EMBL-EBI, Hinxton, UK
Head of Molecular and  Cellular Structure
gerard at ebi.ac.uk pdbe.org emdb-empiar.org
PA: Roisin Dunlop    pdbe_admin at ebi.ac.uk

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