[3dem] Open EM positions at MPI of Biochemistry, Munich

Plitzko, Juergen plitzko at biochem.mpg.de
Fri Apr 21 06:18:40 PDT 2023

Dear all,
We are looking for electron microscopists at different levels of experience who are interested to join us at the Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry in Munich, Germany.
The institute has a large, vibrant community that develop and use cryo-electron microscopy, tomography, and FIB-SEM sample preparation methods, and that works closely with industrial partners. We operate a state-of-the-art fleet of electron microscopes including four TFS Titan Krios, a TFS Arctis plasma-FIB and multiple smaller TEMs and FIB-SEMs.
We would like to hear from you if you are a cryo-EM expert with substantial experience and technical or scientific background, or if you are scientist, technician or engineer at an early career stage with a passion for TEM or FIB-SEM. Tasks, dependent on experience, can include performing research in TEM or FIB-SEM technology, contributing to methods development projects, operating, maintaining and upgrading microscopes, training and supporting users, and taking responsibility for the microscopes and associated equipment.
Please reach out to one of us by email if you are interested.
A formal recruitment will follow in due course.
John Briggs and Juergen Plitzko
briggs at biochem.mpg.de<mailto:briggs at biochem.mpg.de> and plitzko at biochem.mpg.de<mailto:plitzko at biochem.mpg.de>
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