[3dem] Gatan camera PC upgrade

Morgan, David Gene dagmorga at indiana.edu
Thu Sep 1 10:34:37 PDT 2022


Thanks.  I know where to find the license files.  What is not clear is whether simply copying old licenses onto the new machine will solve the problem, or if the installer program from Gatan does things like modify the registry.

    politics is more difficult than physics.
                                             A. Einstein

            David Gene Morgan
        Electron Microscopy Center
             047E Simon Hall
             IU Bloomington
          812 856 1457 (office)
          812 856 3221 (3200)
From: Ehsan Nikbin <ehsan.nikbin at mail.utoronto.ca>
Sent: Thursday, September 1, 2022 1:17 PM
To: Morgan, David Gene <dagmorga at indiana.edu>; 3dem at ncmir.ucsd.edu <3dem at ncmir.ucsd.edu>
Subject: [External] Re: Gatan camera PC upgrade

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Hi David,

I am not sure about Windows XP, but in Windows 10, you can find the Gatan license files in the following folder:
Note that "ProgramData" is hidden in Windows by default, and you may need to change the view setting of your folders to be able to see it. So, you can probably find the license files in a similar folder in the old Windows XP computer and copy them to the new computer. Hope this helps.

Best regards,

Ehsan Nikbin
From: 3dem <3dem-bounces at ncmir.ucsd.edu> on behalf of Morgan, David Gene <dagmorga at indiana.edu>
Sent: Thursday, September 1, 2022 11:14 AM
To: 3dem at ncmir.ucsd.edu <3dem at ncmir.ucsd.edu>
Subject: [3dem] Gatan camera PC upgrade


We have an ancient microscope that has an ancient Gatan camera controlled by a Windows XP computer.  The computer has been giving us trouble and our campus IT people would like to see it vanish, so we are planning to upgrade it.  I was all set to pay for an upgrade from our ancient version of DigitalMicrograph (GMS 1.x, if I remember correctly) to GMS 3.x, but I learned that our camera is not supported in recent versions of GMS and that an upgrade simply would not work.

I was able to build a Windows 10 virtual machine, and to install an older version of DigitalMicrograph onto it.  That VM obviously didn't have a camera attached, but that process indicated that I might be able to install the older version of DM on a modern machine and have everything work properly.  So that is the current plan.

However, I'm not sure how to transfer the current DM license from the existing Windows XP machine to the new installation.  Gatan normally supplies an installer program that takes care of this, but we no longer have that program.

Has anyone transferred a license and if so, could you please explain how?  Thanks.

    politics is more difficult than physics.
                                             A. Einstein

            David Gene Morgan
        Electron Microscopy Center
             047E Simon Hall
             IU Bloomington
          812 856 1457 (office)
          812 856 3221 (3200)
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